Be wary of online reviews
We use online reviews when we shop. Maybe you do too. They seem like a good idea.
That said, online reviews are subject to all the same sad fraud seen nearly everywhere on today’s internet.
We get reviewed online. If you are like us, you often read the low star ones first. Here’s a enterprising fraudster “Brady” who will help us be rid of our one-star reviews. For a price.

We also get similar proposals to game the system with fraudulent 5 star reviews. How many do you want? All it takes is a credit card.
It’s unfortunate. In a perfect world, online reviews would be very helpful.
We do indeed have a few less-than-stellar reviews. We are always really upset to see them posted online forever. It’s easy to make bad/uninformed choices in your real estate investments, and then look for somebody else to blame (us) when things don’t go as you hoped. It’s also so darn easy to rage-type from behind a keyboard and say things about a small business you might never say to our face. But, okay. We try to take away some learning from those few negative reviews we get. When you have 20 years in business with literally hundreds of clients, it’s hard to imagine pleasing everyone. And just try to ask a truly happy client to pretty-please say something nice about us online. We’ve all ignored those requests in our online lives these days, right?

Anyway, we suppose you’ll keep on trying to get something useful from online reviews. We do too. Just remember “caveat emptor” when you read nothing but positive online reviews, buyer beware. Did somebody get their wallet out?