Big changes have arrived for the Real Estate biz

A graphic by Tristan Ahumeda regarding the changes to real estate transactions for 2024

Posted with thanks to Realtor Tristan Ahumada. It’s a very helpful explanation of the changes to our shared business model that all Realtors have now agreed upon. The result is that transaction costs/fees will be much more transparent to both buyer and seller. The idea is that increased transparency will result in more efficiency, and ultimately lower costs to the consumer.

We know everyone loves change, right? Who moved our cheese!?!

In fact, we have always embraced change here at The Address Realty. We look forward to this substantial change as well. Also we should loudly note that on our Listing for 1% page here at our website, we have ALWAYS, ALWAYS pointed out that our fees are 100% negotiable. Long before this mandate, right there in writing. See if even now you can find any other brokerage’s websites with similar written assurances to the consumer. Good luck!

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