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Professional marketing photography

We don’t need to hire a professional photographer every time a nice day comes along to re-shoot some marketing images that might look better than the first time we shot them.

We just go and shoot.

Here are some images we re-shot of our listing at 1300 Jen Ct. It had been in escrow with an accepted offer, but the buyer backed out for their own reasons and we are back on the market. It was a really nice day, so we took the opportunity to reshoot some stills and video. Click any of them to expand:

We might re-shoot many times, unless our subject sells right away. That does happen!

The point is that we don’t need to think twice about making improvements, or worry about the cost of hiring the work out to some photographer who might be busy with a wedding, or senior portraits. We don’t need to hire anyone and hope they see it as we do as longtime realty professionals. It’s a beautiful home in a beautiful setting.

Do you have a beautiful home you need to sell? We do that. And we only charge 1% to list.

Check out the rest of the images of this lovely home here:


Call or text 530 356 4500

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